Autobio/BioYuan Quality Controls
Now Available in the U.S.

AdvanBio, a leader in biotechnological advancements, is proud to introduce Autobio/BioYuan quality controls to the U.S. market. These controls are essential for ensuring the accuracy and precision of diagnostic tests, ultimately improving patient care.

What is Quality Control & Why is it Important?

Quality control methods in diagnostic laboratories measure the accuracy and precision of processes and equipment used for patient specimen testing. This helps detect, reduce, and correct deficiencies in analytical processes, ensuring reliable test results.

Product Details

Consolidated Controls​

Streamlined solutions that reduce the need for multiple controls, simplifying laboratory processes.

Reduce Setup Time​

Efficient processes that save time and reduce waste, allowing labs to operate more smoothly.

Long Shelf Life​

Durable products with a shelf life of up to 3 years, ensuring long-term reliability.

Open Vial Stability​

Maintains quality over extended periods, providing consistent performance.

Cost and Labor Savings​

Economical solutions that reduce operational costs and save labor.

Quality Assurance Software​

Advanced tools for data analysis and peer group review, enhancing overall quality assurance

Key Benefits of Autobio/BioYuan Quality Controls​

Sample Matrix​

Closely mimics patient specimens.


Suitable for various instruments and methods.


Reliable values for a wide range of instruments.

Shelf Life​

Extended shelf life for both lyophilized and liquid controls.


Minimal lot-to-lot variability ensures product standardization.

Peer Review​

Quality Assurance software available.

Why Choose Autobio/BioYuan Quality Controls?

Third-party controlled manufacturer, Autobio/BioYuan quality controls offer unbiased performance assessment. With an extensive range of controls to meet all laboratory preferences, these products meet ISO 15189:2022 requirements and ensure consistent high-quality performance with superior manufacturing processes.

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